National Immigration Legal Services Directory

Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains - Immigration Legal Services (Denver Office)

  • Location:
    035 Osage St.
    Suite 700
    Denver, CO 80204
  • Phone:
    (303) 980-5400
  • Fax:
    (720) 541-6579
  • Contact methods:
    Email, Fax, Phone calls
  • Appointments accepted:

Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains provides family based immigration legal services and counseling to assist low-income refugees, asylees, Cuban parolees, victims of trafficking, and SIV holders from Afghanistan and/or Iraq before USCIS.  Our services include adjustment to permanent resident status, employment authorization documents, naturalization, refugee/asylee family reunification, travel documents, and other immigration services.

Counties served: Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, El Paso, Morgan, Weld

Services Provided

Areas of immigration legal assistance: Adjustment of Status, Employment authorization, Family-based petitions, Naturalization/Citizenship
Types of immigration legal services provided: Help completing forms, Filings with USCIS
Non-legal services: Citizenship / Civics classes, Employment services, ESL, Health services, Housing referrals, Psychological or psychiatric services, Referrals to other services, Social services
Populations served: Domestic Violence Victims, Human Trafficking Survivors, Individuals with criminal histories, Individuals with physical/mental disabilities, Juveniles, Lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender, Torture survivors
Languages spoken: Amharic, Arabic, Burmese, English, French, Hindi, Kirundi, Nepali, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Karen
Access to a commercial interpreting service or language bank: Yes
Nominal fee charged? Yes
Other information: This organization is a partner of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.