National Immigration Legal Services Directory

Jewish Family & Children's Services

  • Location:
    2150 Post St.
    San Francisco, CA 94115
  • Phone:
    (415) 449-2906
  • Fax:
    (844) 589-6699
  • Contact methods:
    Email, Fax, Mail/Letter, Phone calls
  • Appointments accepted:

Jewish Family & Children's Services (JFCS) provides a wide range of services and programs to immigrants from the former Soviet Union, as well as other parts of the world. This organization offers immigration legal services, naturalization assistance, citizenship classes, and other programs that promote successful integration and civic participation.

Counties served: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sonoma

Services Provided

Areas of immigration legal assistance: Adjustment of Status, Asylum applications, Consular Processing, Employment authorization, Family-based petitions, Naturalization/Citizenship, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions
Types of immigration legal services provided: Help completing forms, Filings with USCIS, Representation at Asylum Interviews (Credible Fear Interviews, Reasonable Fear Interviews)
Other areas of legal assistance: HIV/AIDS, Public Benefits
Non-legal services: Administrative advocacy (CIS/ICE/CBP), Citizenship / Civics classes, Employment services, ESL, Health services, Language services, Psychological or psychiatric services, Referrals to other services, Social services
Populations served: Domestic Violence Victims, Human Trafficking Survivors, Individuals who are not in legal immigration status, Individuals with criminal histories, Individuals with physical/mental disabilities, Juveniles, Lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender, Torture survivors
Languages spoken: English, Hebrew, Russian, Yiddish
Access to a commercial interpreting service or language bank: No
Nominal fee charged? Yes


Volunteer Coordinator
Danit Hetsroni
(415) 449-3817