National Immigration Legal Services Directory

Immigration Center for Women and Children (San Francisco Office)

  • Location:
    1254 Market St. 3rd Floor
    San Francisco, CA 94102
  • Phone:
    (415) 861-1449
  • Fax:
    (415) 861-1681
  • Contact methods:
    Fax, Phone calls
  • Appointments accepted:

Immigration Center for Women and Children (ICWC) is a non-profit legal organization providing free and affordable immigration services to underrepresented immigrants in California and Nevada. ICWC strives to provide security and stability for children who are abused, abandoned or neglected and for immigrants who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and other violent crimes.  ICWC has offices located in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego and Las Vegas.

State served: California

Services Provided

Areas of immigration legal assistance: Adjustment of Status, Asylum applications, Consular Processing, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Employment authorization, Naturalization/Citizenship, Removal hearings, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, T visas, U visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions
Types of immigration legal services provided: Help completing forms, Filings with USCIS, Representation before the Immigration Court, Representation before the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA)
Non-legal services: Legal Orientation Programs (LOP) / Know Your Rights Presentations (KYR), Referrals to other services
Populations served: Detained individuals, Domestic Violence Victims, Farm workers, Human Trafficking Survivors, Individuals who are not in legal immigration status, Individuals with criminal histories, Individuals with physical/mental disabilities, Juveniles, Lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender, Torture survivors
Languages spoken: English, Portuguese, Spanish
Access to a commercial interpreting service or language bank: No
Nominal fee charged? Yes
Other information: Additional services provided: Assistance with U/T/VAWA/SIJS/I-751/DACA filings and representation before USCIS, including Visa Petitions, Consular Processing with the Department of State in connection with U/T/VAWA petitions, Employment Authorization, Permanent Residency, Naturalization/Citizenship in connection with these special immigrant categories, Representation in Immigration Court/Removal defense in connection with U/T/VAWA/SIJS relief, Representation in Probate Court. Organization wide, there are 25+ legal staff. Please find the contact information for our other locations below: Los Angeles: Tel: (213) 614-1165; Appointments: (213) 614-1165 ext. 311; 634 South Spring Street, Suite 727, Los Angeles, CA 90014. San Diego: Tel: (619) 515-2200; 427 C Street, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92101 and Las Vegas: Tel: (702)-430-7981; 550 E. Charleston Blvd., Suite F, Las Vegas, Nevada 89104,