Using Data to Activate the Power of Naturalized Voters

  • Voting
  • Advocacy

The growing number of naturalized citizens has the "potential to become an election-deciding voting bloc" as reported by Axios. Especially in swing states that could determine the make up of Congress.

According to a front page article in the Houston Chronicle, "Hundreds of thousands of immigrants from Asia, Africa and Latin America who have been naturalized in the past several years in Texas could shift the outcome of local elections."



On July 20, NPNA and partners released a report that shows national data from all 50 states on newly naturalized citizens from 2016 to date. The report also shows that the number of immigrants who became U.S. citizens in Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Florida between fiscal years 2016 and 2020 is greater than the 2020 presidential margin of victory in each of those states. The growing demographic of naturalized citizens has the potential to become an election-deciding voting bloc — especially in swing states that could determine which party controls Congress this fall.


This webinar will unpack the key findings in NPA and partners' newest report. Attendees will walk away with insights on how to best target and reach naturalized voters this fall and beyond.



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