U Visas: Advanced & Emerging Issues

  • U Visas
  • Advocacy

ASISTA is excited to announce our two-day training on U Visas: Advanced & Emerging Issues is open for registration!  Since we aren’t able to meet in person this year, before the FBA & AILA conferences, they are providing our most sought out training virtually like they did last year.  Full speaker and agenda details will be announced soon, so stay tuned!

In this interactive two-day training on U Visas, they will cover advanced and emerging issues related to U nonimmigrants, including those with complicated waiver or adjustment issues. They will hear from USCIS representatives on best practices and emerging issues regarding U visa policy. They will also address federal litigation options and strategies for creating survivor-friendly policies at the local level.

Session List (All sessions are 1.5 hrs with 15 minute break in between sessions)

Session 1: Advancing Innovative Local Policies for Crime Survivors

Session 2:  Strategies for Complex U Adjustment of Status Issues

Session 3: USCIS Panel:  “Updates in USCIS Policy and Practice”

Session 4: Assisting U Visa Petitioners with a Criminal History

Session 5: APA Claims in Federal Court

Session 6: U visa Case Rounds: What would ASISTA Do?

To register or for more information, click here.