Webinar 3: Working With Clients to Build Strong Cases

  • Forms/Fees
  • Immigration Court
  • Other Immigration
  • Waivers

Waivers of the grounds of inadmissibility are an essential part of immigration practice. This four-part webinar series will present information on both the theory and practice of developing successful waiver applications. Participants will learn the legal standards of extreme hardship, how to create a theory of the case, how to marshal the facts and what kinds of supporting documentation to submit. The presenters will include detailed information on the provisional waiver program and agency guidance on extreme hardship. By the end of the series, participants will be better able to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of specific cases and advise clients on their chances for success.

This webinar will focus on preparing the declarations of the qualifying relative and the waiver applicant and obtaining the documents that support each hardship claim. The presenters will provide practical advice on how to identify other potential supporting statements, locate and use experts, and obtain reports, articles or other documentation.

To register or for more information, click here.