Waiving Unlawful Presence And Other Grounds of Inadmissibility

  • Inadmissibility
  • Waivers

This two-day training will cover the most common grounds of inadmissibility – fraud, crimes, smuggling, prior orders of deportation, and unlawful presence – and eligibility for waivers. Special emphasis will be placed on the expanded provisional waiver program for unlawful presence, including practical information on developing and submitting a successful waiver application. The training will cover the eligibility requirements for Forms I-601, I-601A, and I-212 waivers, filing procedures, and the final guidance on the extreme hardship standard. Participants will learn how to develop a theory for the case, marshal the facts, and obtain necessary supporting documentation. Day two of the training includes a presentation on provisional waiver adjudication by officers from the National Benefits Center.

For more information and to register, click here.