Making Sense of Immigration Law

  • Other Immigration

This seven-week training is intended for attorneys with some experience in, and would like to develop a more complete understanding of, immigration law. This seminar does not just provide a case-by-case review; we will delve into why the law is what it is, why it doesn’t always make sense, and how the myriad pieces of the Immigration and Nationality Act fit together. Conducted by Donald Ungar, known for his novel and imaginative approach to immigration law for half a century, the seminar is limited to 15 participants in order to foster an active discussion of all substantive aspects of immigration law, including: Constitutional issues to grounds of exclusion and removal, waivers and relief from removal, refugees and asylum, marriage and other frauds, and immigrant classifications and preferences. The maximum capacity is 15 registrants on a first-come, first-served basis with full payment. This is a seven-week training series; you must attend each date listed above from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm to receive the total MCLE credits. The dates are September 14, 21, 28 and October 5, 12, 19, 26.

Register online or download a registration form from our Trainings & Seminars page at If you use the registration form, please either fax your completed form (including credit card information) to 415-255-9792, or mail it along with your payment to Immigrant Legal Resource Center, 1663 Mission Street, Suite 602, San Francisco, CA 94103. For fastest service, please register online.