Matter of A-B- 28 I&N Dec.199 (A.G. 2021)

  • Organization: Acting Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice
  • Document Type: Case law/admin decisions
  • Date Created: Thursday, January 14, 2021
  • Attachment(s): LINK

The Center for Gender and Refugee Studies case description: "Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen issued a new ruling in Matter of A-B-, the Salvadoran asylum case that has become the battleground on the issue of whether survivors of domestic violence, gang brutality, and other abuses can qualify for refugee protection in the United States. On June 11, 2018, then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a devastating decision in the case, reversing a grant of asylum to Ms. A.B., a domestic violence survivor, and casting serious doubt on the asylum claims of people like her. Sessions’ ruling led to a sharp downturn in asylum grant rates for women, children, and families fleeing epidemic levels of violence in Central America.

While Ms. A.B.’s case remains pending before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, today’s ruling attempts to erect additional barriers to protection for people escaping harrowing persecution."

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